1. How to prepare and plan properly a budget?
It often happens that a sum of money is invested, but the results are quite different from what was planned. It seems that the funds were spent on small and unnecessary things in which most of the budget was spent. In an issue of this importance it is worthwhile to agree with the organizer who will supervise the frames of reference. An experienced organizer will tell you how to set priorities: what to pay attention to and what to ignore.
2. Which contractors to choose?
The ideal option is to hire a company that has a complete package of services. They are rather rare cases in which people from different companies can work can work together. What for them is a professional matter, for you it means that you celebration is ruined. Hiring a company with a full package of services, such a Club Trade, you are entrusting a wedding party to a ell-prepared team, which means to minimize all risks.
3. How to know which is the suitable host for your celebration.
For the selection of the host you must consider the following questions. What kind of host do you need? Quiet? Charming? An entretainer? Or maybe a cheerful and witty companion? The important thing is to determinate which style is the most consistent with the concept of your party.
About the choosing of the program it is important to know: if the script will be written only by you or will leave space to the creativity and skills of the host.
Watch the videos of his previous works, after all in each of them there is a presentation. Evaluate how he behaves on the stage and how he interacts with the guests and if all this is convenient for you.
Organize a meeting. Nobody has canceled the decision making intuitively. After all, it is in the face to face interaction when we realize if we like somebody or not and if that person is in tune with us.
4. Why is a wedding planner necessary?
The answer to this question is very simple: it frees you from any problem that may arise during the event. After all, it is your party and the small problems and small tasks are very exhausting: the accommodation, the companions, the calendar in general. Let the celebration take place around you and supervise with the coordinator.